Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical procedure that relieves pain and treats diseases by restoring the normal flow of energy (‘Qi’) through the body using ascending, descending, reinforcing, reducing, warming and clearing techniques.
A typical acupuncture treatment involves inserting needles as fine as hair into specific points on the body to elicit a healing response. The sterilised and disposable needles are so thin that most people feel nothing more than a slight tingling sensation during insertion.
Suitable for managing conditions like:
Musculo-skeletal & neurological (e.g. Headache, Stroke, Arthritis)
Reproductive (e.g. Sub-fertility, Irregular period, Menstrual cramps)
Mental/ Emotional (e.g. Stress, Insomnia)
Internal (e.g. Asthma, Hypertension, Gastrointestinal disorders)
Ears, nose and throat (e.g. Dizziness, Sinus infection)
Dermatological (e.g. Eczema, Acne)
Cold and flu